Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Building Community: Addressing Disparities


When: Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 at 7pm
WhereFirst Unitarian Church, Avondale, 536 Linton Street, off Reading Road.
Description: Part of a Series of Forums and Salons on “Building Community: Addressing Disparities”

The media and political and thought leaders in our country are constantly raising the alarm about the ongoing struggle of the middle class to re-establish its hold on the American dream.  Helping the middle class was high on President Obama’s agenda when he took office.  He put Vice President Biden in charge of a Middle Class Task Force, which focuses on assessing policies to determine if they are helping or hurting the middle class working families, and proposing ones that help.   

But what is happening Cincinnati?  We invited three experts to discuss these questions: What is the middle class and why is it important? Is the middle class in a state of decline in Cincinnati and the region?  If so, what factors are causing the decline and what are the implications? What is the differential impact of the decline on African Americans and other ethic groups? Is there a new middle class developing in Cincinnati?  Who is it and what are its demographics?  What are the implications for the city and/or Greater Cincinnati region? What can policymakers and citizens do to address these issues?

The Moderator:  Sue Wilke

The Panel
Daisy Quarm, Associate Professor of Sociology, UC; teaching and research interests focus on race, class, and gender.  Prof. Quarm will address the questions at the national level.

George Vredeveld,  Alpaugh Professor of Economics and Director of the Economics Center for Education & Research; His recent research has focused on factors that affect regional economic development, including education and the quality of the labor market.  Prof. Vredeveld will address the questions at the local and regional level.

Terry Grundy, Community Impact Director at  The Urbanists, a Cincinnati-based movement concerned with the revitalization of older American cities. He will discuss the city of Cincinnati-specific middle class decline and strategies for reversing the trend.

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