Two awards were offered: One for most referrals, another a random draw where people got their name entered for each person they referred.
Our random draw winner was Eddie of RAPP XXIII! Eddie had great
We had a busy weekend around these parts! Homecoming and BRIDGES Walk were both Saturday. Friday we participated in the Homecoming 5K and many attended the Good Asian Drivers show (sponsored by Diversity Education, GenderBloc, and the Women's Center, among others).
Rather than post a million photos, I threw them into a Bearcat Spirited video.
Pictured in the video:
Homecoming 5K:
SALD staff; Emma (XXIII); Adam (XXV); Kate (XXIII)
Good Asian Drivers:
Jamie (friend of RAPP); Emma (XXIII); Jojo (XXIV); Anthony (XXV)
Courtney F (XXV); Coya (XXIV); Eddie (XXIII); Jojo (XXIV); Brice (XXV); Ashley (XXII); Dr. Livingston (friend); Chika (XXIV); Queenie (XXIV); Bethel (XXV); Patrice (XXIII); Brittany (XXIII); Mieshia (XXIV); Martha (XXV); Nloh (XXIV); Jessica (XXIV)
Homecoming Parade:
Dan (former facilitator); Women's Center, RED, and SALD staff & students; Tad (XXIV); Latoya (XXIV); Lisa (XXIV)
A small group discussion (Tiffany, Martha, Tad, Anthony, and Suzi).
A lot of small group discussions (up front: Laura, Yuzhen, Simón, and Trisha)
Interviews this year's RAPP group were conducted from July through this week. Considering we had over 70 people complete interviews, it was a lot of time talking with folks! We never could've gotten through so many interviews and had such a quality of conversations if it weren't for the many RAPPORT members and a RAPP friend who helped out conducting interviews and providing feedback on the candidates.
A great big thank you to the following folk who pitched in on interviews:
Jojo Brannon (RAPP XXIV)
Eddie Cancel (RAPP XXIII)
Nicole Cassini (RAPP XXIV)
Gabby Givens (RAPP XXIV)
Tad Miller (RAPP XXIV)
Jen Rush (Diversity Education GA)
Krystal Smith (RAPP XXIV)
Brenna Travis (RAPP XXII)
For once I DIDN'T wear a RAPP t-shirt - I donned an SAB "Get Active!" one instead.
Latoya and Britt'eny continued their on-going debate on whether RAPP XXIII or XXIV is better.
Latoya found some support from Asha for her argument about the superiority of RAPP XXIV.