Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Out Today: Appreciation Bags

Last year we ended fall quarter with something we think may become a RAPP tradition: Appreciation bags.
Appreciation bags are a group project. Every member of RAPP gets a bag and we all share piles of scrap paper. We hang out for about an hour (great during the stressful pre-exam week!), listen to music, chat, and write notes to each other about why we appreciate each other.
We drop our notes of appreciation into each other's bags "Valentine's mailbox" style. We include people who can't attend the meeting by having bags available for them so that folks who are there can write to them knowing the bag will be delivered later.
Now's the time for that! I'm dropping them in the mail today.
In the end, we all have with a bag full of reasons why our RAPPmates appreciate us.

You can join us in this by dropping notes of appreciation to people who positively impact you!

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