Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spread the Word Tip #5: Come to the Table

It's been a minute since the last Spread the Word Tip, so let's do a quick review:
#1 - Wear you RAPP t-shirt, it's a great conversation piece.
#2 - Help folks avoid common misconceptions about RAPP - let them know it's open to EVERY UC student and that we talk about race AND other topics.
#3 - Remember that "word of mouth" really also includes "word of fingers-and-keyboard" - our on-line presence is important.
#4 - You can win stuff for helping spread the word! Woot!

Now, on to #5 - Come to the Table.
RAPP does information tables at events three out of the four quarters of the year. In spring, we're out at WorldFest and the Student Activities Fair. All summer long we're out three days a week at Student Spotlight in incoming new student orientation.

We're approaching fall, which will involve many opportunities to stop by, bring friends to, or help out at RAPP informational tables. We'll be out a LOT this fall, keep your eyes on this blog and - if you're on the RAPP & RAPPORT listservs - on your email.

Brice, one of our recruitment leaders, will be working with me to organize volunteers to staff the tables. Help spread the word about RAPP by volunteering at one or more event. This isn't a complete list, and most don't have dates yet, but we'll hopefully be at the following events (links are to last year's event coverage):
Hope to see you at these tables - either behind it staffing it or in front stopping by to say hi!

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