Monday, June 14, 2010

SPSS Party Time!

With RAPP XXV, we debutted a new pre- and post-test developed specifically for the RAPP curriculum developed during RAPP XXIV.
From RAPP XXII at least, we'd initially administered the pre-test during the interview process and administered the post-test during the last meeting before the banquet. None of the data gathered was analyzed.
This year we administered the pre-test at the second meeting. We did this to minimized a feeling of needing to give a "correct" answer during the interview process in order to get in. We also thought it an interesting precursor to the RAPPers' year, kind of letting them know what they're getting into topically.
We administered the post-test at the same time as before - the last meeting before the banquet.
Now - possibly the biggest difference - I'm spending the next few days in front of a computer with a statistical analysis software program open. I'm using SPSS for this, both because I'm familiar with the program and because it's available in UC computer labs (i.e. not because I think it's particularly superior to other programs).
I'll post interesting finds as they're discovered and, hopefully, a full report over the summer!

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